Health Awareness

Immunization and Mental Health Fact

Immunization Fact

  • COVID-19 vaccine prevented more than 18.5 million hospitalization and 3.2 million deaths in the US from December 2020- November 2022 and saved US 1.15 Trillion dollars
  • one in five children globally DO NOT have access to essential immunization even though it only costs $18 per child to entirely immune in low-income countries
  • There are more than 25 safe and effective vaccines to prevent disease, protect health and help to prevent and mitigate outbreaks.

Mental Health Fact

  • One in five US adults experiences mental illness each year, and one in twenty has a serious mental illness
  • Anxiety disorder has the higher percentage among US adults (19.1%) compared with Major Depressive Episodes (8.4%)
  • People with depression have a 40% higher risk of developing the cardiovascular and metabolic disease than the general population
  • 20.8% of homeless people experience a serious mental health condition, and 15.3% of US Veterans had a mental illness in 2019

How to Prevent Mental Health Problems

Self-care: Get regular exercise, Eat healthily, Make sleep a priority, Try a relaxing activity, Focus on positivity, and Stay connected

Seek professional Help: If you have difficulty sleeping, Changes in appetite, Struggle to get out of bed, Difficult concentrating, and Loss of interest.

Know what to do in Crisis: Call or text 988 or Call 911

Useful links

Vaccine information and schedule for Adults and Children

Vaccine Information sheet

Help for Mental Illness

Mental Health resources
