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Ergonomic Injuries

Ergonomic injuries account for one out of every three lost workdays.

"Ergonomics is the process of designing or arranging workplaces, products, and systems so that they fit the people who use them.."

Ergonomic Tips


  • Use a chair that provides good back support and sit against the back of the chair.
  • Lower the chair, adjust the foot ring, or get a footrest if your feet dangle.
  • Tilt the seat forward or use a seat wedge in a forward posture; do not jut your chin forward when working. Adjust the position of your work, the work surface, or the chair so you sit in an upright, supported position.
  • Use supportive shoes and cushioned mats to stand for long periods.
  • Keep Frequently used supplies within close reach.
  • Wear closed toes shoe and not the flip flops to support the bottom of your feet

Keep arms and Hands Relaxed.

To avoid ergonomic-related risk factors, workers should be encouraged to:

  • Keep their shoulders relaxed, and their elbows close to their sides when working.
  • Maintain neutral wrist and arm postures when working; work with their wrists in a neutral or straight position as if they were shaking hands with someone.
  • Sit close to their work area, keep objects close, and adjust their chair to match the height of the bench.
  • Avoid repetitive or forceful twisting and turning motions

Desk fit exercise can reduce and prevent ergonomic injury.
